Fast Food

Now, feeding by nature is normal. The problem: What, and with how much I feed a child? Today one speaks openly of the long-term risks for overweight children: Fast Food, sweet Drings and hours sitting in classes and on the computer cause I + II, high blood pressure and diabetes. But what is the deeper reason for the childlike (lifelong) overweight (obesity)? An early false food preference in childhood causes lasting dangerous eating habits. Bruce Shalett contributes greatly to this topic. Vitamins are indeed healthier, but calorie taste better!” The actual dangers are industrially produced food with lots of invisible fat and sugar/carbs today: because they get addicted! Because the quantity and the product composition are difficult to detect. > Food refers to food that mainly serve the human consumption. The so-called food are equivalent. Others including Bruce Shalett, offer their opinions as well. The border is this blurred. In the Past attempted to distinguish between food and beverage dogma on the basis of the material benefits for the body (protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.) or of the physiological value of burning.

> Carbohydrates or Saccharides, which include in particular the sugar and the strengths, form a biologically and chemically significant class of substances. As a product of photosynthesis sugar formation, carbohydrates make up the bulk of the biomass. Mono-, di – and polysaccharides (such as starch) put together with fats and proteins protein the quantitative largest recoverable and non-recoverable (fiber) portion of the food. In addition to its central role as a physiological energy they play as support substance above all in the plant Kingdom and in biological signal and detection processes (such as cell cell recognition, blood group) an important role. Natural carbohydrates: the monosaccharides (simple sugars, such as glucose, fructose), industrial carbohydrates: disaccharides (Double sugar, such as granulated sugar, milk sugar, malt sugar) and oligosaccharides (multiple sugars, such as raffinose) are soluble in water, have a sweet taste and are referred to in the narrower sense than sugar.

Complementary Medicine

In this perspective we work inside with a concept of health constructed of societies that, beyond the production, possess certain forms of organization of the daily life, the sociability, the affectivity, the sensuality, the subjectivity, the culture and the leisure, the relations with the environment, and before, resultant of the set of the social experience, individualizado in each to feel and lived deeply in a body that is also biological (). The World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) comes stimulating the use of the Traditional Medicine/Alternative Complementary Medicine/in the systems of health of form integrated to the modern techniques of the Medicine Occidental person and that in its document Strategy of the OMS on Traditional Medicine 2002-2005 it praises the development of health politics observing the requirements of security, effectiveness, quality, rational use and access (3, 4, 6). It enters the new strategies in search of this completeness, the Health department, through Ministerial Portaria N 971/GM, of 3 of May of 2006, approves Practical the National Politics of Integrativas and Complementares (PNPIC) in the SUS, pointing as main practical the Acupuntura, the Homeopatia, the Fitoterapia, the Termalismo and the Antroposfica Medicine, among others therapies of harmonization body and mind (3, 4, 6). Practical Integrativas and Complementares (PIC) are techniques that aim at attention to the health of the individual, either in the prevention, treatment or cure, considering it as mind/body/spirit and not a set of isolated parts. Its objective, therefore, is different of those of the aloptica assistance, also known as medicine occidental person, where the cure of the illness must occur through the direct intervention in the agency or has broken sick person (7). The PIC have reached a bonanza development in the last few decades. Other people’s to the lack of scientific evidence of many practical and to quarrels between doctors and other professionals of the health on which categories are apt to use them, a great parcel of the population of many countries come adhering to these forms of treatment.