Dealing With Diabetes

How much to the escolaridade level, it was observed that 16.7% were not alfabetizados, 16.7% had only incomplete basic education, 6.6% complete average education and 60% of data not registered. It had a great percentage of individual not alfabetizado in relation the registered data. Mousinho and Moura (2008), had concluded that the education is primordial in the life of the human being, being the factor that will help to the individual in the understanding and acceptance of writs of prevention of health. Table 2 – Distribution of the sample as changeable social and demographic of the patients searched. Hipertenso 2359.0% Diabetes 923.1% Outras25.1% did not present doenas00.0% not registered Data 512.8% Total 39100% In table 2, in the item conjugal situation, had been evidenced a high percentage of patients married in 70,0%, whereas 23.3% were single and 6.7% of data not registered.

The results related to the residence zone had prevalence for agricultural zone, the verified percentage was 66.7% and urban zone 33.3%. The lack of basic assistance of qualified health and hospitals specialized in the agricultural zone, are factors that contribute for the high index of sick people in the agricultural zone (BRAZIL, 2008) the study demonstrate that 12.1% of the patients were etilistas, 24.2% were tabagistas and 63.7% of data not registered. The study it demonstrated one high index of patients who made use of the tobacco and alcohol, being that the tobacco was the presented percentile greater. In 2000, Armaganijan and Batlouni had concluded that the tobacco and the alcohol are factors of risk for the occurrences of cardiovascular illnesses. How much to the preexisting illnesses, the study it evidenced one high index of patients with arterial hipertenso 59.0%, Diabetes Mellitus was one compared lesser percentage with the arterial hipertenso, being that of 23,1% a percentage of 5,1% had other patologias and 12.8% of not registered data, the arterial hipertenso and Diabetes Mellitus is considered as factor of risk for the cardiovascular illnesses (FIGUEIREDO et al., 2006). In the changeable Habits of life and preexisting illnesses an alternative was opted for more than. Table 3 – Distribution of the sample as changeable passed time for the first attendance, professional who after gave to the first attendance and how much time the patient was reevaluated. Passed time for first atendimentoN% after the admission of paciente620.0% 5 15 min1033.3% 16 30 min1446.7% Above of 30 min00.0% Data Registrados00.0% Total 30100% Professional who gave first to atendimentoN% Nurse, Technician of Nursing and Assistant of Enfermagem1860,0% Technician of Nursing and Assistant of Enfermagem1033,3% To assist of Enfermagem26,7% Total 30100% After how much time the patient was immediately not reevaluated