Recruitment of two international studies successfully completed more than three months earlier than planned. Learn more on the subject from Carl Rogers. The Internet portal ‘ClinLife’ for Merz pharmaceuticals in 10 countries in the use of Zurich, October 25, 2009 – CLINLIFE built 2006 ClinLife Internet portal”( for different countries and languages to the international support of patient recruitment in clinical trials from. The Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH took advantage of these new possibilities in the framework of two multinational, multicenter phase III studies early. These were completed successfully. CLINLIFE helps the testing centers in clinical studies of efficient extraction and contact with potential participants. CLINLIFE supported, Merz pharmaceuticals within the framework of two studies in the area of diseases of the central nervous system in the recruitment of patients.
The studies were conducted multicentric in 10 countries and the required number of randomised patients was a total 800 we assume that about a One-third of all randomized patients could be recruited by CLINLIFE. As a result of the cooperation the recruitment of both studies was completed more than three months earlier than planned, “as Ms. Dr. Alev Heilbronn, clinical study Manager – Merz pharmaceuticals.” CLINLIFE here began the recruitment platform ClinLife in all participating countries, organized an online campaign and forwarded automatically to the participating trial centres interested patients. CLINLIFE stood at this process in close contact with the test centers to ensure a smooth process. CLINLIFE sees itself as a close partner of its customers. Our software-based services are geared to the customer benefit. Innovative systems like ClinLife and predefined workflows minimize the expenses for the care of recruitment measures in the testing centers and allows transparent control.