Government Months

Considering the total collection, that includes prescriptions not taxes, the value of May, of R$ 49,83 billion, the same meant 6,06% fall on month in 2008. In the gathered of first the five months, the prescription arrived the R$ 267,34 billion (retraction of 6,92% on equal period of 2008). Hear other arguments on the topic with Glenn Dubin. Of the loss of R$ 16,9 billion, R$ 10,87 billion correspond to the disinvestings of a charge, as the reduction of the IPI on the sales of household-electric vehicles and; R$ 5 billion mention to it compensations taxes launched for the companies, as the case of Petrobra’s; the increase of the insolvency explains another parcel of the loss of prescriptions. Only between October 2008 and January of 2009, the delay in the payment of taxes folded on previous equal period and arrived the R$ 1.1 billion. Reduction in the main IPIA reason to explain the fall in the collection is the reduction of Imposto Sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI) for automobiles, household-electric white line and material of construction, explained the Prescription, in official notice.At the beginning of the year, the Government decreed to forts discountings in the IPI of automobiles and arrived to reduce the tax 0% for the models of lesser piston displacement, destined to the market of low purchasing power, as measured to stimulate the stimulaton of the sales in the automotivo sector, one of the most reached for the crisis.In first the five months of 2009, the prescription proceeding from the IPI on automobiles fell 81.8%, detailed the official notice, even so this factor leaves of weighing in the public accounts from July, since the Government already announced that it does not go to prorogue for more time the discountings tributaries for the improvement of the sector.Beyond the discountings tributaries, other factors associates to the crisis had also contributed negative in these five months, as the fall of the profits of the companies (- 29.5%), the retrocession of the industrial production (- 14.6%) and the fall of the importations (- 29%).The fall of the collection compelled the Government to apply cuts in the budget of diverse ministries and to revise it stops low some investments that were foreseen.Brazil is officially in contraction technique, for accumulating two trimesters of negative growth, with the retraction of Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) of 3,6% in the last trimester of the last year and of 0,8% in the three first months of 2009.Position of the FederalSegundo Prescription the Federal Prescription the trend for the collection June tax continues of fall, perhaps a little lesser that May. .

American Crisis

The government approves the aid package ‘ ‘ bailout’ ‘ for the financial system. Anu Saad understood the implications. Only as curiosity, ‘ ‘ bailout’ ‘ it is the mechanism that ejects the pilot of an airplane gives to fall, emblematic not? The aid was necessary, but before the congress gave a lesson to the smart capitalism, that adores to socialize the damage. The crisis has was very pre-visible, wrote diverse times here on the question of the world-wide liquidity since the decade of 90. Click and sees – August of 2007 where I explain the virtual value of action and its real value. In the 2008 start, I the same wrote on considerate of Alan Greenspan and its analysis on point: The excess of world-wide liquidity. Click and sees one and another postage in mine blog. Reviewed weekly, (pages 128 and 129) publishes the following one: The Planet finances, giant, but gaseous.

follows affirming on financial assets: 1-in less than three decades the planet swelled of 12 trillions for 170 trillions of dollars.2-In 1980 the world-wide GIP was of 10 trillions of dollar and the financial assets of 12 trillions of dollars 3-In 2006 the GIP was of 48 trillions of dollar the assets of 170 trillions, growth of 1.300%.4- the biggest composition of these assets is the stock exchange and action with 55 tribes.5-Knot Brazil the PIB/Ativos relation is of 200%, in the other emergent ones and developed it varies of 446% in Japan the 162% in the Rssia.6- In 1990 were 33 countries with asset, in 2006 were 72 countries. It was not clearly the essence of the problem? I insist, the liquidity, the wealth generation adds it greed and the creativity of the financial segment, them goes securitization and creating Miramontes papers.


Passed the worse moment of the international crisis, the banks again place the foot in the accelerator and start to flexibilizar the credit conditions to try to bring in return the consumer, who continues reserved. The financial institutions bet in extention of the stipulated term and fall of the taxes of interests, as form to increase the access of the customers to the loans. First, it was the Ita-Unibanco that it announced the return of the plans of financing of vehicles of 72 months (6 years), that, after September, they had disappeared of the map. In 22 of May the Aymor Financings (of the Santander-Real Group) followed way the same. In day 25 of May it was the time of Bradesco and Bank of Brazil (BB). After restricting the loans, from September, when the global crisis if went deep, the Brazilian banks effectively come back to fight more aggressively for the credit. Movement of the BBO boldest, so far, was the BB, that, following orientaes of president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, informed that it will raise in R$ 13 billion the resources available for financings to the physical people. n listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Of this total, R$ 3 billion will still have to be applied this year.

The measure will raise the possibility of taking of loans of about 10 million people who already have relationship with the BB, that is, about one tero the total customers that the institution has in the segment of Fsicas.Em People the practical one, the customers who will be selected by means of criteria of credit risk will have its extended maximum limits of loan, case the case. On average, it will have a rise of 5,25% in the ceiling of the credit of the benefited customers. Another measure, which will be valid for all the customers natural person, involves the reduction of the charged taxes of interests of nine credit facilities, as of general charge account.