Pregnancy. Knowledge For Women

One of the most unusual period for the human body is pregnant. More info: Joint Commission. Well, obviously – because that was just one individual, and suddenly – unexpectedly formed a new man, which is a little earlier did not exist. No, of course, in turn, and another man, as usual – a male, but his part in the magic of the very short term, it can be seen – once. A representative of the fairer sex executes without exception, the main function: nurturing baby's birth. In addition, and then – right up to two years, if not later, the baby may need to be the main way in the attention of the mother. Yet if return to direct nucleation, when the baby is born, but so far on this one, no one except my mother does not know.

Every woman is perfectly aware that pregnancy is the essence of the segment is very difficult. Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Initially, this period physiological changes. Not surprising, because only the woman lived personal life, and here – she was responsible for creating the life of the helpless in the world, her native creatures. Contemporary community with its inherent materialism seeks to show the bearing of a highly specific physiological process, and the baby in the mother's abdomen – do not feel anything, and did not seem to animate a piece of meat. In other words, embryo. But every girl who can feel a new life, knows exactly – a kind of sixth sense or unconsciously – that her body life originated.

And it's not just empty statements. And no wonder many moms who keep their babies while in the tummy, talking to kids. It has been proven that this way they really interact with your baby. And after the birth of a child is much easier to understand the mum including a rumor – he has adapted to her voice, to adapt that to him speak. They say that babies are still in the mother's tummy very well designed to feel their love. Or example, its lack. And those who spoke, who might feel that the value and desire, born to a much more healthy and nerazdrazhitelnymi, while the unwanted children, even statistics often suffer more overexcited. Including online divination can say that the main vitamin tablet for a tiny baby, for which there is absolutely the whole world – it's my mother – a mother's tenderness and lack of such a dimension can be much more problematic mental development. Pregnancy – a very difficult step. The mother may feel a particular kind of bifurcation of nature – because her body has lived all special and extraordinary creature, the extension of its kind, its a piece. Her baby, already from birth unlike any to whom, exactly the same baby is already more than ever the world will not. In addition to transferring all of the growing volume of kid too hard. However, any mother can understand the extent to which great importance, who prior to joining the world can absolutely depend on it. A tiny living creature.

Best Years of Life

I am losing the best years of my life. This was the phrase that I listened to of an adolescent mentioning itself it the fact of that it does not obtain more to have equal a social life to that it had before having precociously been mother. To if thus revealing, I oppose sensu, it is wanting to say that last youth, the worse years that if to follow will be of its life or that at least, will not be so good thus. In the truth, the adolescent is not renegando the son who was born. But it is repented not to have listened the hundreds of advice and acknowledgments that had been poured to it in the ears from the moment where to awake started it for the sex.

Moved for that sensation of being able that it impregnates in them in the youth, it believed that any thing that made, could not bring it greaters consequncias and followed living everything what the age allowed it in the possible way most intense. Until it came the notice of the pregnancy, waking up it of the illusion caused for this species of drunkeness that in them is caused by hormonal flooding the one that we are> submitted in this first phase of the life. Suddenly, the wakening of an illusion and the contact with the real life, that is, the difficulties of if taking care of of a new life, mission for which not yet was prepared. It is as to alar flight in a winged object without still knowing as to aterrisar it and to have that to learn to still make it in full air. It is not an uncommon situation. We see this all the time and for all the sides. After all, the nature, then in the dawn of the life, the ones of a sensation to be a species of deuses of the Olimpo.

Christmas and Family

Christmas, also will have to be the reconciliation with the life, with our fellow creatures, the nature in general. To think the Christmas, not in such a way in the traditionalism of the consumption, even so this is necessary, since soon for that they can, to acquire the corporeal properties of first necessity to donate to that they do not have this capacity, but in the direction of the construction of a world, more tolerant, more just more human. A Christmas with humanismo, in the respect for the nobility of the person human being who is born carrying of equal rights of freedom dignity. To walk for Christmases of progress to all the headings, in the deepening, consolidation and good-practical of the most elementary Human Rights, since soon the rights: to the life; to the health, in conditions jousts, with special concerns for the carenciadas people more; to the education and formation; to the work; to the habitation in worthy conditions; to justice, at last, to the rights consecrated in the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights. The Humanity is tired of discords, injustices, exclusions of all the nature. The global community cannot continue in the route that has come to follow, where the safe port does not glimpse itself. The world cannot waste the good-will people, whom they desire and they fight for the Peace, the Friendship, the Happiness and the Harmony between all the beings. The Christmas is this same.

Finally, my special reflection, very very particular, desires even so it to become public, as a species of contributo so that the Christmas is truily the Party of the Family Human being, but to start for proper me, for my family, friends and all the people who with me if relate. A Christmas with truth, loyalty, with reciprocity, either in the seio of the family, either with other people, that friendship of sincere Love-of-Friend, with a feeling of tolerance, pardon and much gratitude stops with all the people who, throughout to my have helped me life, understanding me and abandoning never me. It is this Christmas that I desire to festejar with much joy. Diamantino Loureno Rodrigues de Brtolo email: Personal Blog: Portugal: (Link Citizenship) Brazil:

The Psyche

And there in the head Chain: pregnancy – a threat to the organism. In other words, a negative experience gained previously, for whatever reason was not survive until the end, the psyche is not able to accept, process and manage it, and that protect people from further trauma, the experience drove away in the subconscious. But he never disappeared, and the distance continues to dictate its terms to a woman. She herself was not aware of this effect and does not remember those old already events. But the mind is already included protective mechanisms and is on guard and how to warn that if you become pregnant, it will threaten the health and life.

And, of course, pregnancy does not occur. Thus, the psyche protects a person from a possible meeting with the traumatic event, and even more with the consequences. Psychological causes of infertility set, as much and women who suffer from it. They are highly individual. Elucidation them, finding them in the past, and processing, it is not experienced negative experiences can lead to infertility that miraculously take place "by itself". Moreover, a woman may be an adult in age but absolutely psychologically immature, infantile.

In other words, she is still a baby, give birth to her! In today's world is increasingly common and is another reason psychological infertility. This desire to make a career, held in professionally. Moreover, that this way is very welcome in today's society. Many women consider themselves to be worthless, unless they have reached career heights as men.

The Wedding Loaf Is An Original Russian Tradition

Karavai wedding will always be given a special role in ceremonies Russian wedding. Virtually all modern weddings there rite, when the groom's parents meet the newlyweds after registration and are holding a loaf in the beautifully embroidered towels and an icon. Thus, they bless the newlyweds. There is a sign of who is more a piece of a loaf of bite, he will be in the family of the owner, and this should be done without touching the hands. Our ancestors paid a great attention to the wedding caravan. Its round shape symbolized the sun, and he was a symbol of wealth and satiety. This is due to the fact that Russia has long prospered farming and there were many ceremonies on fertility and soil.

Since bread peksya of flour, it was thought that he was "- the gift of mother earth." Wedding baked loaf of women, successful married and have healthy children because it was thought that their luck is passed a young family. So wedding cakes loaf was responsible and honorable thing. It was believed that the greater the size of a loaf is better, richer and better fed to the lives of young people, so try to bake a wedding loaves of enormous size. To decorate wedding cakes used patterns from the test, they were woven braids, flowers, ears of rye and twigs of viburnum. Kalina in Russia attributed to specific properties, it was a symbol of love. This is due to the fact that most weddings in Russia to play by the autumn, when the main field work completed at this time and ripened red berries Viburnum.