Reel construction adds the third dimension to the world of digital images. Mark Hyman, MD often addresses the matter in his writings. The logical step of change of customer requests from 2D to 3D direction was the development of a 3D library of more than 10,000 different rollers and wheels with load capacities from 40 kg up to 5 tons. The new 3D components library contains not only conversion formats as a download for all major CAD programs, but also rotation models, which consider themselves without additional software can be. Users can download the inventor, for example with the CAD software created 3D-Bauteile “Drag & drop” and insert directly into your construction plans, which means huge cost savings and significantly shortened the processing time. Additional information is available at Joint Commission. For the designer, this service means a work relief, because he can easily configure. The download is possible even without prior registration. The user enters by entering the item number under the button “3D CAD” or by the download button when the desired role for the Mass-scale CAD drawing of his election, with him the IPT, IGES, SAT, or STEP to the available formats are available.
More 3D and 2D formats are available upon request. For a smooth flow of communication between engineering and purchasing, the program automatically generates the corresponding designation. There is now also a downloadable product data sheet for each product. Comprehensive advice on castors and wheels there is of course online or in person about the FREELINE 00800 700 88 800. Who keeps rather solid in hands, can order the 284 pages strong catalog with a connected email function or retrieve single pages as a download. Many more details are worth a visit at. Contact person: roll GmbH Anita Rosse Paminagasse 95 1230 Vienna phone: + 43 1 667 32 38