Drain-AS Indicates The Tightness Verification Requirement 2015 At The Latest!

Nearly 70 percent of all German house connections are leaking and need to be rehabilitated urgently. Nearly 70 percent of all German house connections are leaking and need to be rehabilitated urgently. This ramshackle drains lead, for example, if by flood or heavy rain to back congestion in the entire pipeline network there are flooded cellars. Renovation-needy drains the purse strings of the property owner/owner but not only in the event of damage, but may represent also a massive burden on the environment. The leachate contaminated soil and groundwater.

This is especially critical in the water conservation, subject to special provisions. Here the legislature has responded: is nationwide according to 18 b water resources Act in connection with DIN 1986/30 no later than 31 December 2015 perform a leak test of all Grundstucksentwasserungs pipes and ducts. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the obligation to the leak test is already anchored in the section 61a of the State water law. This “Note: the attention of the motto: sight, out of mind” can quickly lead to nasty surprises. According to the urban drainage bylaws, the owner is responsible to the land border for reliable drain lines? This responsibility also applies to the tightness test carried out.

The expert and Managing Director of the drain AS Rhine-Necker headquarters Hans-Werner Gonera briefly describes how a proper leak test: usually a cleaning and Visual inspection using a tube camera is required before the actual airtightness of the private drain lines. A leak test can be carried out both water and air. House connections, testing is preferred mostly with water. Learn more at: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. Here, shut off the discharge pipe to be tested and the basic management system filled with water up to the top edge of the deepest drainage object. In the normal case, the water is kept over 15 min and the loss of water measured. Is adhered to a certain loss of water, which depends of the drainage tube material, the drain line is considered tight. Leaking House connection cables must be replaced or cleaned up.” Mr. Dipl.-ing. Hans Jurgen Stadler, operational, and Technical Director of the drain AS Rhine-Main Headquarters, supplemented: DIN 1986/30 envisages also regular retries. Usually the tightness by TV inspection in the 20-year interval for purely domestic drain lines and in 5 – or 15-jahrigem cycle for industrial drainage systems is ahead of or behind a purification plant to check. Stricter rules apply to land in the water protection zone. Here, all drainage systems are annually by TV inspection and all to investigate five years using the pressure test. When a specialist company for a leak test is in charge, should be that she have a certified and on the other hand is a member of the VDRK or DWA sure. The results of the leak test must in a test log be documented. A label confirms the drain lines are in good condition. These documents can evidence bring, that all regulations are complied important also to your insurance company.” Next to the private land or homeowners also real estate companies and businesses are taken by the Government, the local authorities the duty to undergo their drains of a leak test. For more detailed information about the tightness and topics related to the drainage system, visit the homepage of the drain AS Alliance.