Psychosomatic Medicine

Being sick is hard enough Berlin, 10; Open day at the 31.10.09, outer rotor lane 9-11. A serious operation, a lengthy therapy, a serious diagnosis or an accident, and nothing is like before. If daily life due to illness is difficult to cope with, who actually helps in such cases? Since 2008, the nonprofit association of BiNK, abbreviation for advice and support in disease and crisis in Nuremberg e.V., maintains a helpline, which is open every day from Monday to Friday. We’re for the people, by disease changed has the 1st Chairman of the social institution, Mr Georg Rieger explains their life. Educate yourself with thoughts from Tiffany Espensen. Networking with all health care facilities is very important.

BiNK in Professor Dr. Wolfgang Sollner, the Chief doctor of the Psychosomatic Medicine at the clinic Nuremberg has an advocate. He certifies BiNK to fill a widening gap with his offer. For lack of orientation will help people in acute crises and Orientation gladly given. Help, done by many volunteers and committed Club members, Honorary powers and a part-time force, has its price.

For a good cause will help giver to seeking help and ask for support. Who would like to support the idea and the offer by BiNK, can be simply active: an SMS with keyword BINK on the speed dial of 8 11 90 sent brings 3 euro support. The amount will be plus the normal SMS transport fee with the next cell phone invoice and 2.87 go directly to the Club. This is a service of spendino GmbH. Spendino: The spendino GmbH is a service company for the non-profit sector. The young company aims to reduce the fundraising and to increase the volume of donations without additional investment. spendino enables the processing of SMS and online donations and positioned itself as a neutral partner for the non-profit organizations in Germany. This is spendino the only supplier in Germany, is the use of of mobile technologies for social purposes has specialized press contact: spendino GmbH Berlin contact: Mrs. Verena Bock telephone: 03045020522 fax: 03045025657 website: spendino.

Increasing Dental Injuries

Teeth can correct preventive measures save Hofheim, February 2011. According to current assessments of the German society for oral and maxillo – facial surgery (DGMKG) current and high-risk sports have resulted in recent years especially again in children and adolescents a seasonal rise in accidental dental injuries. In addition, now more risk factors are known. The DGMKG provides information about possible risk groups and recommends early prevention. Yet a dental accident happened, the right treatment at the specialist is essential for a later satisfactory result”stresses Prof. Dr.

Dr. Elmar Esser, press officer of the DGMKG. It happens more and more frequently in the inline skating, Kickboarding (modern scooter riding”), in swimming pools, and more recently at the heeling (shoes with role in the paragraph): according to studies, dental trauma before the age of 17 suffer today over 50% of all children and young people. Children are between 3 and 4 (milk teeth) as well as the 9th and 12th year of life and particularly affected at the age of 16 years. The most common injury in the permanent dentition is the shifting of the tooth breaking the central incisors in the upper jaw, in the milk teeth.

About two-thirds of all dental accidents happen at home or in public sports and venues. Not all children who meet it can and dental accidents suffer equally often young people”, Prof. Dr. Andreas Filippi downtown dental accident the University says Basel and clinic for dental surgery, radiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, which has published a scientific paper about this and deals in detail with the topic. There are today many scientifically identified risk factors that increase the likelihood of tooth trauma”, so Filippi. The so-called great over Jet (too short lower jaw) belong to the classical risk factors, too far above maxillary anterior teeth, an insufficient lip end, practicing out of high-risk sports as well as men par excellence. As new and not so well known risk factors, Filippi calls childhood obesity, hyperactivity in children, and the socio economic environment. In addition, there seems to be some genetic risk. Risk leave after responsible and phrophylaxeorientierte dentists and oral and Maxillofacial surgeons identify such risk factors in their patients and make appropriate recommendations for prophylaxis of dental accidents. This may be an early orthodontic treatment with misaligned teeth. Who carries out risk sports like ice hockey, handball, basketball, or even various martial arts, you should wear a Mouthguard. But dental accident what now? Principle 5 tissues can be injured in a dental accident independently of each other: the hard tooth substances, the root of the tooth, gums, the bone surrounding the tooth and the surrounding soft tissue. Ideally, these areas for each injured tooth should individually diagnosed and if required also separately handled. Only then is a complete therapy guaranteed”, emphasises Prof. Esser. At the accident site teeth or their fragments should be immediately searched and properly stored: when tooth fragment of a damp storage ranges, lost teeth are safest for a later Replantation in a dental emergency box. Severe dental accidents should be treated the best interdisciplinary with injuries of different tissue”, advises eaters. This with the Supreme target children or young people also seriously injured teeth, which were formerly considered not preserving life can keep what is nowadays predictable possible in most cases. Sabine Sabri

Down Syndrome Awareness

The world down syndrome day making carefully on the syndrome, health is the most valuable asset a person can call his own. True to there circumstances that just give these health not every newborn life on the path of life the motto that the best disease nothing worth, however. Down syndrome include inexorably to such a not quite carefree way of life for many families. On March 21, the “world down syndrome day” is committed for several years, which includes not only educational work about the resulting in the mother’s womb change of the still unborn, but also provides approaches for therapies and new findings from the research. Down syndrome, also called trisomy 21 is known, created by a genome mutation of the 21st chromosome, leads, in addition to externally recognisable signs, that the affected children have even internal damage to the organs can and it comes to a mental disability.

These can fail but variable from child to child, turns out however when closer inspection as a disability that results in the most affected that they their lives long will have to rely on outside help. Controversial discussions emerge again around the topic of down syndrome and last but not least expectant parents at a corresponding bad news before the question provided to allow this yet unborn life actually see the light of day. Diagnosis there are different investigation, covering among other things an amniocentesis is not entirely risk-free during early pregnancy. But now it will be soon possible a blood test to determine an existing down syndrome in the unborn. Prompt new discussions triggered, for example, by the critics accused of selecting of life worth or not worth living includes.

Difficult and stressful for the parents concerned something that can also be quite up-to-date by familial backgrounds. See… lots of information can the down syndrome to read informing about how does the trisomy 21, who may have an increased risk in pregnancy, or as a best possible support can be enabled with the affected children on their way of life. A promotion that enables this special and very loving people, to be able to cope much in life without foreign help.

Internet GoFit

As a desirable side effect of so to speak, many users also report a significant improvement in their sleep properties. Thus the application of the mat affects significantly positively on the mental balance, tell patients that are in psychotherapeutic treatment. No wonder that growing interest in the health mat, as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported. So, the pain League and the Green Cross at the goFit team have requested. We are on the right track, to make known the mat in Germany”, says indeed Dietlinde Haverkamp. The goFit mat is used for years with great success in physiotherapeutic practices, wellness centres and the private sector in their country of origin, Switzerland. Suggested retail price for end users per piece: 129 Euro including added value tax. That although initially not particularly cheap blade so the FAZ.

But the investment argument when you consider that such a manual foot reflexology in the Switzerland converted try 40 to 40 euros. Source:-phone: 0041-71-917 2908 – Internet: – E-Mail: background: foot reflexology healing and stimulating effect in Japan physicians know for centuries to the healing effect that produces the walking on a gravel beach. Based on this simple principle artificial gravel beds be created in Asian bath houses, which are taken naturally before and after bathing with bare feet. Inspired by this simple method to stimulate the complex mesh of the foot reflex zones, Americans have adopted this system for many of their bathhouses. Foot reflexology is based on the recognition that there is a corresponding reflex area on the bottom of the feet for each organ of the body. Regular massaging of these points increases not only the body’s energy and will, but is considered one of the most effective methods of personal health care.

The goFit health mat the Pebble Beach at home, in the Office or on the road. Many complaints of physical, but also mental kind can significantly relieve himself by walking on the mat. A plethora of diseases that need to be treated with drugs or other therapeutic agents, foot reflexology massage is a complement of medical therapy. The goFit foot reflexology Massage Mat: The goFit fitness mat is a handy, 50 x 50 cm wide, rounded at the corners of the mat made of easy to clean, antistatic BiComponent Matt polyurethane (plastic). Its interface is modeled after the Pebble Beach, whose various pebbled can move in all directions. These features make the mat to a highly efficient medical device for the mechanical foot reflex zone massage. You is to go, enabled the entire reflex zones of the feet evenly with the feet of a surface. The goFit mat is for use in practices as well as for the use of Home designed. The regular massage of the reflex zones on the bottom of the feet increases the body’s energy and activates the natural defence mechanisms. In addition, mechanical foot reflex zone massage in alternative medicine is regarded as one of the most effective methods of personal health care. Many complaints of physical, but also mental kind leave much to relieve through the foot reflexology with the mat. And a plethora of diseases that need to be treated with drugs, the foot reflexology massage is a complement of medical therapy.

Weight Loss Medications

Effective means for reducing the weight as differ the spirits: it is indeed possible to use medication or weight loss pills, which can guarantee a permanently successful weight loss? This question is not so easy to answer, because in this context, there are many notable differences. Not to mention, there are also the negative headlines\”with regard to potential (long term) health damage. The media reported about it, so that weight loss supplements in the meantime enjoy a rather dubious reputation. How these medicines but in fact are of concern from a medical standpoint, is usually dependent on individual cases. If medicines (should) be used in order to reduce of weight, it is de facto to consider some relevant aspects. Certainly, it would be nice if it were as easy to lose excess pounds and pesky diets or other cumbersome forms of weight reductions out of the way to go.

But the fact is that It usually very much requires discipline and stamina, to slim down\”or to get rid of the one or the other annoying pounds. In addition, according to many people is the stated goal, permanently remove and exclude the notorious Yo-Yo effect in advance. But at all realistic, it is within the framework of a weight-loss medicines completely outside before\”letting, but nevertheless to be able to realize the dream of the success of the diet? Basically, the preference should be given in every case of a profound change of in eating habits. Protein, carbohydrates, fiber, but also fats are necessarily needed in this context. To effectively counteract cravings in advance, it is quite even permitted to enjoy the one or another candy bar, without immediately getting a guilty conscience. Because serotonin levels increase the pleasure of chocolate and mood improved. A weight should finally not with frustration and worse Mood go hand in hand. Because that would only help a premature breaking off the planned diet.

Fast Food

Now, feeding by nature is normal. The problem: What, and with how much I feed a child? Today one speaks openly of the long-term risks for overweight children: Fast Food, sweet Drings and hours sitting in classes and on the computer cause I + II, high blood pressure and diabetes. But what is the deeper reason for the childlike (lifelong) overweight (obesity)? An early false food preference in childhood causes lasting dangerous eating habits. Bruce Shalett contributes greatly to this topic. Vitamins are indeed healthier, but calorie taste better!” The actual dangers are industrially produced food with lots of invisible fat and sugar/carbs today: because they get addicted! Because the quantity and the product composition are difficult to detect. > Food refers to food that mainly serve the human consumption. The so-called food are equivalent. Others including Bruce Shalett, offer their opinions as well. The border is this blurred. In the Past attempted to distinguish between food and beverage dogma on the basis of the material benefits for the body (protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.) or of the physiological value of burning.

> Carbohydrates or Saccharides, which include in particular the sugar and the strengths, form a biologically and chemically significant class of substances. As a product of photosynthesis sugar formation, carbohydrates make up the bulk of the biomass. Mono-, di – and polysaccharides (such as starch) put together with fats and proteins protein the quantitative largest recoverable and non-recoverable (fiber) portion of the food. In addition to its central role as a physiological energy they play as support substance above all in the plant Kingdom and in biological signal and detection processes (such as cell cell recognition, blood group) an important role. Natural carbohydrates: the monosaccharides (simple sugars, such as glucose, fructose), industrial carbohydrates: disaccharides (Double sugar, such as granulated sugar, milk sugar, malt sugar) and oligosaccharides (multiple sugars, such as raffinose) are soluble in water, have a sweet taste and are referred to in the narrower sense than sugar.

Atopic Dermatitis

According to the study, the changes can be described as clinically significant. To corroborate the study of hypnosis practice to the study of the University of Tubingen, the hypnosis practice, carry out a further study plans. This involves the reduction of stress, fears and blocks, to restore the mental balance and to document the positive impact on the clinical picture. Hypnosis practice offers 10 clients who are suffering from Atopic Dermatitis, the free opportunity to participate in the study. The study includes 12 hypnosis sessions a1 hour per participant.

The sessions run as both a single – group session (two or three participants). There are no medicines, nutritional supplements, or similar administered. Prerequisite initial investigation to the documentation of the disease at the beginning of the study by the treating – regular examination by the treating dermatologist dermatologists liberation of the treating Dermatologists of the secrecy over the course of the disease regularly hear a MP3 hypnosis home (4 times per week) one meeting per week in the hypnosis practice final assessment of the appearance of the skin by dermatologists evaluation by the dermatologist minimum age: 15 years no contraindication for hypnosis duration of study October 2013 December 2014 per participant takes the study 12 weeks applicants can application by phone or by mail, contact the hypnosis practice. Note for underage participants must be present during the individual sessions in practice a companion. Accompanying persons can attend the meetings or wait in the practice. The planned Hypnotherapy is a strengthening of the psyche and no clinical hypnosis. Ulrich Eckardt: Certified naturopath, limited offers the classic hypnosis, relaxation, coaching and other therapeutic procedures in the field of psychotherapy, in his practice in the North of Munich, in Unterfohring.